Rina Ibragimova

Rina Ibragimova joined the group in January 2022. She graduated with an MSc degree in Engineering Physics from National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Russia (2016). Next, Rina started her research in computational materials science, focusing on materials for solar cell applications. She worked briefly in the Institute for Energy Technology IFE, Norway, and then in the Keldysh Research Centre KeRC (one of the ROSCOSMOS research units), Russia in 2015-2017. Rina received the Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) degree in Physics at Aalto University, Department of Applied Physics (2017-2021), where she worked in the field of computational modeling of 2D materials. The title of her dissertation is “On the surface: Effects of functionalization and defects in two-dimensional Mxenes“. She developed a computational multi-scale scheme combining cluster expansion, Monte Carlo, and density functional theory methods to obtain thermodynamically averaged distributions of atoms and their composition on the surface of Mxenes with dependence on the experimental conditions.